例句 |
credentialverb to give official acceptance of as satisfactoryShe was credentialed as a speech pathologist in August. approve, clear, endorse(also indorse), OK(or okay), sanctionaffirm, confirm, validateinaugurate, induct, initiate, install, instate, swear inallow, let, permitenfranchise, entitle, privilegeaccredit, authorize, certify, charter(British), commission, empower, enable, invest, license(also licence), qualify, vest, warrant ban, bar, block, constrain, deny, disallow, disbar, discourage, disenfranchise, disfranchise, exclude, hinder, hold back, impede, inhibit, obstruct, prevent, shut out, stopenjoin, forbid, interdict, outlaw, prohibit, proscribe, vetodisqualify in the 15th century |