例句 |
plethoranoun an amount or supply more than sufficient to meet one's needsa biology textbook that is helpfully illustrated with a plethora of excellent illustrations abundance, cornucopia, feast, plenitude, plentitude, plenty, superabundance, wealth adequacy, competence, competency, sufficiencyampleness, amplitude, liberalityexcess, overdose, overflow, overkill, oversupply, redundancy, superfluity, superfluousness, surfeit, surpluscopiousness, fecundity, fertility, fruitfulness, opulence, richnesslavishness, luxuriance embarrassment of riches deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency, undersupply paucity, poverty, scarcitybarrenness, infertility, sterility the state or an instance of going beyond what is usual, proper, or neededthe author offers a plethora of detail that tends to overwhelm the reader bellyful, excess, fat, overabundance, overage, overflow, overkill, overmuch, overplus, oversupply, plus, redundancy, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surplus, surplusage abundance, bounty, plentitude, plenty, profusion, sufficiencyoverproduction, overstock deficiency, deficit, insufficiency, undersupply dearth, lack, scarcity, want in 1541 |