例句 |
plusesnounalso plussespl. of plus something added (as by growth)a recalculation of the year's income that resulted in a plus in the company's profits accretions, accruals, addenda(also addendums), additions, augmentations, boosts, expansions, gains, increases, increments, more, proliferations, raises, rises, step-ups, supplements, upticks accumulations, assemblages, collections, gatheringscomplementsaccessions, appendixes(or appendices), continuations, extensions, uptrends, upturnsjumps, run-ups, spikes abatements, declines, decreases, decrements, depletions, diminishments, diminutions, drop-offs, falloffs, falls, losses, reductions, shrinkages, step-downs deductions, subtractions the state or an instance of going beyond what is usual, proper, or neededthe supply of cranberries is greatly in plus of the demand for them in the market bellyfuls, excesses, fat, overabundances, overages, overflows, overkills, overmuch, overpluses, oversupplies, plethoras, redundancies, superabundances, superfluities, surfeits, surplusages, surpluses abundances, bounties, plenties, plentitudes, profusions, sufficienciesoverproductions, overstocks deficiencies, deficits, insufficiencies, undersupplies dearths, lacks, scarcities, wants |