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standnoun a level usually raised surfacemarchers passed by the reviewing stand dais, platform, podium, rostrum, stage, tribune altar, bimah(also bima), footpace, pulpitriser, scaffoldbalcony, gallery standverbto occupy a place or locationthe monument stands in the middle of the town plaza be, bear, lie, sit command, overlookhang around, remain, rest, stay, stick around, tarryawait, waitpost, stationdwell, reside to put up with (something painful or difficult)I don't know how you can stand that job abide, absorb, accept, bear, bide(chiefly dialect), brook, countenance, endure, go, hack, handle, meet, pocket, stick out, stomach, support, sustain, sweat out, take, tolerate, wear(British) allow, permit, suffer, swallowreconcile (to)acquiesce, agree (with or to), assent (to), capitulate, consent (to), respect, submit (to), yield (to) live with, lump (it), stand for, tough it out decline, dismiss, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn, turn downcombat, contest, fight, oppose, resistavoid, bypass, circumvent, dodge, elude, escape, evade, missabstain (from), forbear, refrain (from) to give what is owed forI'll stand lunch, and you can pay me back later ante (up), balance, clear, discharge, foot, liquidate, meet, pay, pay off, pay up, pony up, quit, recompense, settle, spring (for) repudiate to take or have a certain position within a group arranged in vertical classesif the city's baseball team wins today, they will stand first in the league be, grade, place, rank, rate seedcountcategorize, class, classify, codify, compartmentalize, group, separate, set, sortinstall, instate v.bear, suffer, endure, abide, tolerate, stand mean to put up with something trying or painful.bear usually implies the power to sustain without flinching or breaking.forced to bear a tragic loss suffer often suggests acceptance or passivity rather than courage or patience in bearing.suffering many insults endure implies continuing firm or resolute through trials and difficulties.endured years of rejection abide suggests acceptance without resistance or protest.cannot abide their rudeness tolerate suggests overcoming or successfully controlling an impulse to resist, avoid, or resent something injurious or distasteful.refused to tolerate such treatment stand emphasizes even more strongly the ability to bear without discomposure or flinching.unable to stand teasing before the 12th century |