例句 |
standing up forphrasepresent participle of stand up for to drive danger or attack away fromShe always stood up for her little sister on the playground. bulwarking, covering, defending, fencing, fending, forfending, guarding, keeping, protecting, safeguarding, screening, securing, shielding, warding averting, preventingopposing, resisting, withstandingbattling, contending, fighting, warringconserving, preserving, savingbuffering, palisading, picketing, walling assailing, assaulting, attacking bombarding, stormingbesetting, besieging, overrunningcapitulating, caving, submitting, yielding to continue to declare to be true or proper despite opposition or objectionsYou have to stand up for the rules or there will be chaos. defending, justifying, maintaining, supporting, upholding advocating, championing, espousingconfirming, vindicating, warrantingaffirming, asserting, averring, avouching, avowing, claiming, contending, insisting, pleading, proclaiming, professing, protesting, statingarguing, debating, discussingemphasizing, stressing, underlining, underscoring sticking up for abandoning, abjuring, forsaking, recanting, retracting, taking back, withdrawingreversing, switchingcontroverting, disproving, rebutting, refuting to promote the interests or cause ofHe stood up for the rights of those without a voice. advocating, backing, championing, endorsing(also indorsing), patronizing, plumping (for), plunking (for)or plonking (for), supporting adopting, embracing, espousingabetting, aiding, assisting, helping, propping (up), seconding, siding (with)backstopping, bolstering, boosting, buttressing, reinforcing(also reenforcing)advancing, forwarding, furtheringplugging, preaching, talking upbailing out, delivering, rescuing, saving going in for, going to bat for, holding a brief for, sticking up for baffling, foiling, frustrating, interfering, opposing, sabotaging, thwartingdeserting, disappointing, failing, letting down |