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yetadverb at a later timewe may yet figure it out eventually, finally, someday, sometime, sooner or later, ultimately anon, before long, by and by, directly, imminently, momentarily, presently, shortly, soonforthwith, immediately, promptly, pronto, right away, right now, right off, straightaway, straightway at last(or at long last), at length, in the end, in the fullness of time, in time ne'er, never, nevermore in addition to what has been saidoffered yet another option for our planned tour of Europe additionally, again, also, besides, either, further, furthermore, likewise, more, moreover, then, too, withal as well, for good measure, in addition to, into the bargain(also in the bargain), on top of, to boot, what's more in spite of thatthe hikers were scared, and yet they continued to go deeper into the cave even so, howbeit, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, still, still and all, though, withal after all, anyhow, regardlessper contra all the same(or just the same), at the same time up to this or that timewe have yet to win a single game she had yet to accomplish a single thing heretofore, hitherto, theretofore before, formerly, previously so far, thus far henceforth, henceforward, hereafter, thenceforth, thenceforward(also thenceforwards), thereafter afterward(or afterwards), later, subsequentlyhereupon, thereupon yetconjunctionif it were not for the fact thatit feels like summer, yet according to the calendar we're still in early spring but, except(also excepting), only, saving before the 12th century |