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creepsnounpl. of creep a person whose behavior is offensive to othersfinally found the creep who kept throwing his trash in the woods bastards, beasts, bleeders(British), blighters(chiefly British), boors, bounders, buggers, buzzards, cads, chuffs, churls, clowns, cretins, cruds(slang), crumbs(slang), curs, dirtbags(slang), dogs, finks, heels, hounds, jerks, jokers, louses, louts, pills, rat finks, rats, reptiles, rotters, schmucks(slang), scumbags(slang), scums, scuzzballs(slang), skunks(also skunk), sleazebags(slang), sleazeballs(slang), sleazes, slimeballs(slang), slimes, slobs, snakes, so-and-sos(or so-and-so's), sods(chiefly British), stinkards, stinkers, swine, toads, varmints, vermin barbarians, brutes, cavemen, Neanderthals, savagesloudmouths, vulgarianslowlifes(also lowlives), miscreants, rascals, rogues, roughnecks, scabs, scamps, scoundrels, villains, wretchesboobies, doofuses(also dufuses, slang), fools, jackasses, nincompoops, ninnies, nits(chiefly British), nitwits, nuts, schmoes(slang)airheads, birdbrains, blockheads, dinks(slang), dolts, dopes, dorks(slang), goons, half-wits, idiots, imbeciles, morons, turkeysbrats, insolents, nuisances, pests, snipssnobs, snoots, snotsdweebs(slang), nerds sons of guns heroes, heroines, idols, role modelsgentlemen, ladiesangels, saints creepsverbpresent tense third-person singular of creepto advance gradually beyond the usual or desirable limitswater crept slowly over the top of the tub and onto the floor encroaches, inches, worms snakes, sneaksentrenches(also intrenches), impinges, infringes, intrudes, invadesoverpasses, overreaches, overruns, overshoots, oversteps to move or act slowlythat Friday afternoon we were just creeping, waiting for the bell to sound so that we could start the long weekend crawls, dallies, dawdles, delays, diddles, dillydallies, drags, lags, lingers, loiters, lollygags(also lallygags), mopes, pokes, shilly-shallies, tarries fiddles (around), fools around, messes around, monkeys (around), plays, potters (around), putters (around), trifleshangs (around or out), idles, loafs, lolls, loungesambles, eases, inches, lumbers, plods, saunters, shuffles, staggers, strollsdecelerates, slows (down or up)filibusters, procrastinates, stalls, temporizes drags one's feet(also drags one's heels), drops behind, falls behind, hangs fire, marks time, takes one's time barrels, bolts, careers, courses, dashes, flies, hastens, hotfoots (it), hurries, races, rips, rockets, runs, rushes, scoots, scuds, scurries, speeds, tears, whirls, whisks, whizzes, zips bowls, breezes, darts, humps, hurtles, hustles, scrambles, stampedesgallops, jogs, runs, sprints, trotsaccelerates, quickens, speeds (up)catches up, fast-forwards, outpaces, outruns, outstrips, overtakes to move slowly with the body close to the groundthe kitten crept silently across the floor before suddenly pouncing on the mouse bellies, crawls, grovels, slides, slithers, snakes, worms, wriggles crouches, squatsedges, inches, nosesskulks, sneaks, steals, tiptoes to move slowlythe class hour seems to creep by crawls, creaks (along), drags, inches, limps, noses, oozes, plods, pokes, slouches, snails lumbers, shambles, shuffles, tramps, trudges flies, races, speeds, whizzes, zips floats, glides, sailshurries, tears |