例句 |
crimpsnounpl. of crimp a small fold in a soft and otherwise smooth surfacea small crimp in the dollar bill prevented it from being accepted by the bill changer made a tiny little crimp in the corner of the Queen of Spades creases, crinkles, furrows, wrinkles corrugations, layers, loops, plaits, pleats, plies, puckers, seams, tuckscrow's-feet(or crow's feet) something that makes movement or progress difficultthe strike could put a real crimp in the production schedule balks, bars, blocks, chains, clogs, cramps, deterrents, drags, embarrassments, encumbrances, fetters, handicaps, hindrances, holdbacks, hurdles, impediments, inhibitions, interferences, lets, manacles, obstacles, obstructions, shackles, stops, stumbling blocks, trammels catches, hitches, rubs, snagsbarriers, blockades, blockages, brick walls, stone wallsarrests, bits, brakes, checks, constraints, curbs, hobbles, reins, restraintsembargoes, stoppagesdelays, holdups, stallsburdens, cumbers, loadsdangers, hazards, perils, reefsadversities, difficulties, disadvantages, drawbacks, hardships catalysts, goads, impetuses, incentives, spurs, stimulants, stimuliadvantages, breaks, edgesaids, assistances, benefits, boosts, handmaidens(also handmaids), help |