例句 |
criterianounalso criterionspl. of criterion something set up as an example against which others of the same type are comparedone criterion for grading these essays will be their conformity to the rules of traditional grammar barometers, bars, benchmarks, gold standards, grades, marks, measures, metrics, pars, standards, touchstones, yardsticks cases, examples, instancesaverages, norms, rulesacmes, apexes(or apices), meridians, peaks, pinnacles, summits, zeniths aberrations, abnormalities, deviations something that sets apart an individual from others of the same kindan exceptionally high degree of physical risk is the preeminent criterion of an extreme sport affections, attributes, attributions, characteristics, characters, diagnostics, differentiae, features, fingerprints, hallmarks, markers, marks, notes, particularities, peculiarities, points, properties, qualities, specifics, stamps, touches, traits badges, indications, signsemblems, symbols, tokenscharms, gracesexcellences, merits, virtueseccentricities, idiosyncrasies, oddities, quirksindividualities, singularities |