例句 |
importnoun the quality or state of being importantI can't overemphasize the import of this examination on your future academic career account, consequence, importance, magnitude, moment, momentousness, significance, weight, weightiness celebrity, distinction, eminence, fame, note, noteworthiness, notoriety, preeminence, prominence, renownstore, substance, substantiveness, value, worth, worthinessgravity, seriousnessauthority, control, dominion, mastery, potency, power, swaymark, name, report, reputation, reputecentrality, essentiality, essentialnesscachet, position, prestige, rank, standing, stature, statusglory, greatness, honor, illustriousness insignificance, littleness, puniness, slightness, smallness, triviality paltriness, pettiness, valuelessness, worthlessnessdiscredit, disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, ignominy, infamy, odium, opprobrium, shameanonymityobscurity the idea that is conveyed or intended to be conveyed to the mind by language, symbol, or actiondidn't understand all the technical jargon, but got the general import of the speech content, denotation, drift, intent, intention, meaning, purport, sense, significance, signification connotationclue, cue, hint, implication, indication, inkling, intimation, suggestionmessage, tenor, themebottom, essence, essentiality, nature, soul, spirit, stuffacceptance, acceptation, definitionburden, crux, gistcore, heart, kernel, marrow, nub, nucleus, pith, point, quickmatter, motif, motive, question, subject, topic importverbto be of importanceit imports little whether you like Grandma's gift; you should have graciously thanked her count, matter, mean, signify, weigh affect, concern, influence, swayadd up (to), amount (to) carry weight, cut ice to communicate or convey (as an idea) to the mindthe word "freedom" can import different things to different people denote, express, intend, mean, signify, spell connote, imply, suggestadd up (to), amount (to)hint, infer, insinuate, intimateembody, epitomize, personify, represent, symbol, symbolizeadvert, allude (to), cite, instance, mention, refer (to), specify, touch (on or upon)designate, indicate, point (to), signalannounce, declare, proclaimelucidate, explain in the 15th century |