例句 |
importingverbpresent participle of import to be of importanceit imports little whether you like Grandma's gift; you should have graciously thanked her counting, mattering, meaning, signifying, weighing affecting, concerning, influencing, swayingadding up (to), amounting (to) carrying weight, cutting ice to communicate or convey (as an idea) to the mindthe word "freedom" can import different things to different people denoting, expressing, intending, meaning, signifying, spelling connoting, implying, suggestingadding up (to), amounting (to)hinting, inferring, insinuating, intimatingembodying, epitomizing, personifying, representing, symboling(or symbolling), symbolizingadverting, alluding (to), citing, instancing, mentioning, referring (to), specifying, touching (on or upon)designating, indicating, pointing (to), signaling(or signalling)announcing, declaring, proclaimingelucidating, explaining |