例句 |
impracticaladjective not capable of being put to use or accountthe flimsy little toy shovel was cute, but completely impractical for digging up tree stumps impracticable, inoperable, nonpractical, unserviceable, unusable, unworkable, useless unsuitableinaccessible, unattainable, unavailable, unobtainable, unreachabledead, dormant, fallow, free, idle, inactive, inert, inoperative, latentarrested, interrupted, suspendedunrealistic applicable, feasible, functional, operable, operational, practicable, practical, serviceable, ultrapractical, usable(also useable), useful, utilizable, workable accessible, acquirable, available, obtainable, procurable, reachableall-around(also all-round), handyactive, alive, busy, employed, functioning, operating, operative, running, working in 1865 |