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impressionnoun a perceptible trace left by pressurea shoe impression in the dirt that could lead police to the culprit impress, imprint, print, stamp dent, hollow, indent, indentation, indenturemark, sign something imagined or pictured in the mindhad a vague impression that the guide would be female abstraction, cogitation, concept, conception, idea, image, intellection, mind's eye, notion, picture, thought apprehension, premonition, presentimentpreconception, prejudice, prepossessionchimera, delusion, hallucination, illusion, phantasm(also fantasm)caprice, conceit, fancy, freak, kink, vagary, whimcognition, observation, perception, reflectionassumption, belief, conclusion, convictionconjecture, guess, hunch, hypothesis, speculation, supposition, surmise, theorybrainchild, brainstorm, brain wave, inspiration actuality, fact, reality idea, concept, conception, thought, notion, impression mean what exists in the mind as a representation (as of something comprehended) or as a formulation (as of a plan).idea may apply to a mental image or formulation of something seen or known or imagined, to a pure abstraction, or to something assumed or vaguely sensed.innovative ideas my idea of paradise concept may apply to the idea formed by consideration of instances of a species or genus or, more broadly, to any idea of what a thing ought to be.a society with no concept of private property conception is often interchangeable with concept; it may stress the process of imagining or formulating rather than the result.our changing conception of what constitutes art thought is likely to suggest the result of reflecting, reasoning, or meditating rather than of imagining.commit your thoughts to paper notion suggests an idea not much resolved by analysis or reflection and may suggest the capricious or accidental.you have the oddest notions impression applies to an idea or notion resulting immediately from some stimulation of the senses.the first impression is of soaring height in the 14th century |