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pokesnoun1pl. of poke a quick thrustplease stop giving the cat pokes while it's trying to sleep dabs, digs, jabs, lunges punchesstabs, stickspushes, shovesjams, jerks, jogs, nudges a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrumentyou'd better shut up if you don't want a poke on the nose bangs, bashes, bats, beats, belts, biffs, blows, bops, boxes, buffets, busts, chops, claps, clips, clouts, cracks, cuffs, dabs, douses(British), fillips, hacks, haymakers, hits, hooks, knocks, larrups(dialect), lashes, licks, pelts, picks, plumps, pounds, punches, raps, slams, slaps, slugs, smacks, smashes, socks, spanks, stingers, stripes, strokes, swats, swipes, switches, thuds, thumps, thwacks, wallops, welts, whacks, whams, whops(also whaps) counterblows(or counter-blows), counterpunches, counters, counterstrokes(or counter-strokes)body blows, hands, kicks, knees, lefts, one-twos, rabbit punches, right-handers, rights, roundhouses, shivers, sidewinders, sucker punches, swings, uppercutscrunchers, kayos, knockdowns, knockouts, KOsbastinadoes(or bastinades), batterings, beatings, drubbings, lickings, pastings, thrashingswallopings, whippings, whips an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another's feelingsthe constantly bickering husband and wife seem unable to let five minutes pass without an exchange of gratuitous pokes affronts, barbs, brickbats, cuts, darts, digs, dises(also disses, slang), epithets, girds, indignities, insults, names, offenses(or offences), outrages, personalities, put-downs, sarcasms, slaps, slights, slurs catcalls, gibes(or jibes), jeers, mocks, quips, sneers, tauntsabuses, invectives, vituperationsdisapprovals, opprobriumsdisgraces, dishonors, shamesattacks, criticisms, knocks, slams, swipestorments, tortures accolades, commendations, complimentsacclaim, applauses, praisesadulations, flatteries pokesnoun2pl. of pokechiefly Southern & Midlanda container made of a flexible material (as paper or plastic)the old warning against buying a pig in a poke bags, pouches, sacks carryalls, portmanteaus(or portmanteaux), traveling bags, walletsbundles, packages, packets, packs, parcelsbackpacks, barracks bags, duffel bags, haversacks, knapsacks, rucksacks, satchels, toteshandbags, pocketbooks, purses, tote bagsditty bags, flight bags, garment bags, kit bags, shopping bags, work bags pokesverbpresent tense third-person singular of poketo extend outward beyond a usual pointsaw his head poking through the window bags, balloons, beetles, bellies, billows, bulges, bunches, juts, overhangs, pooches(chiefly dialect), pouches, pouts, projects, protrudes, stands out, starts, sticks out, swells domesblows up, inflatesdilates, distends, expandsmushrooms, snowballselongates, extends, lengthens, stretches compresses, condenses, constricts, contracts, shrinks to interest oneself in what is not one's concerntold him to stop poking into other people's business butts in, interferes, interlopes, intermeddles, intrudes, meddles, messes, mucks (about or around), noses, obtrudes, pries, snoops intercedes, interposes, intervenesbarges (in), chisels (in), encroaches, infringes, invades, trespassesfiddles, fools, monkeys, plays, tampers avoids, eschews, shunsdisregards, ignores, neglects, overlooks to move or act slowlyjust poked around all morning and didn't accomplish much crawls, creeps, dallies, dawdles, delays, diddles, dillydallies, drags, lags, lingers, loiters, lollygags(also lallygags), mopes, shilly-shallies, tarries fiddles (around), fools around, messes around, monkeys (around), plays, potters (around), putters (around), trifleshangs (around or out), idles, loafs, lolls, loungesambles, eases, inches, lumbers, plods, saunters, shuffles, staggers, strollsdecelerates, slows (down or up)filibusters, procrastinates, stalls, temporizes drags one's feet(also drags one's heels), drops behind, falls behind, hangs fire, marks time, takes one's time barrels, bolts, careers, courses, dashes, flies, hastens, hotfoots (it), hurries, races, rips, rockets, runs, rushes, scoots, scuds, scurries, speeds, tears, whirls, whisks, whizzes, zips bowls, breezes, darts, humps, hurtles, hustles, scrambles, stampedesgallops, jogs, runs, sprints, trotsaccelerates, quickens, speeds (up)catches up, fast-forwards, outpaces, outruns, outstrips, overtakes to move slowlythey were just poking along home crawls, creaks (along), creeps, drags, inches, limps, noses, oozes, plods, slouches, snails lumbers, shambles, shuffles, tramps, trudges flies, races, speeds, whizzes, zips floats, glides, sailshurries, tears |