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polishnoun a high level of taste and enlightenment as a result of extensive intellectual training and exposure to the artsacquired a great deal of polish during his year abroad accomplishment, civilization, couth, cultivation, culture, refinement education, erudition, intellectualism, intellectuality, knowledge, learning, literacy, scholarshipcosmopolitanism, sophistication, urbanitybreeding, genteelness, gentility, mannersclass, elegance, grace, tastecivility, courteousness, courtesy, politeness barbarianism, barbarism, philistinism ignorance, illiteracyparochialism, provincialism, rusticity, unsophisticationboorishness, churlishness, clownishness, coarseness, crudeness, vulgarity brightness created by light reflected from a surfacebuffed the silver plate to a high polish burnish, gloss, luminance, luster(or lustre), sheen, shine glare, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glow, shimmerblink, flicker, sparkle, twinkleillumination, irradiationiridescence, luminescencebrilliance, luminosity, radiance, radiancy, refulgencefinish, glaze dimness, dinginess, dirtiness, drabness, dullness(also dulness), flatnessgrayness, palenesscloudiness, gloom, murkiness, obscureness, obscurity, somberness polishverbto make smooth or glossy usually by repeatedly applying surface pressureyou'll need to polish your shoes with a clean rag before the performance buff, burnish, dress, furbish, gloss, grind, rub, shine, smooth, smoothen sleek, slickcoat, glaze, japan, lacquer, varnishface, finish, veneerbrightenfile, rasp, sand, sandblast, sandpaper, scour, scrape, scrubbob, bone, lap rough (up), roughen, ruffle, scuff (up) to bring (something) to a state where nothing remains to be doneonce you polish the article a bit, it'll be ready to submit complete, consummate, finalize, finish, perfect follow through (with), stick outaccomplish, achieve, effectcarry out, carry through, discharge, do, execute, fulfill(or fulfil), performameliorate, amend, better, enhance, enrich, improve, melioratemachine, refine, round (off or out), shine, touch up get through abandon, desert, discontinue, drop, forsake, quit in the 14th century |