例句 |
cruisesnounpl. of cruise a journey over water in a vesseltook a luxury cruise for their first wedding anniversary crossings, passages, sails, voyages cruisesverbpresent tense third-person singular of cruiseto move about from place to place aimlesslythe girls happily cruised around the mall for hours bats, drifts, floats, gads (about), gallivants(also galavants), kicks around, knocks (about), maunders, meanders, mooches, rambles, ranges, roams, roves, traipses, wanders ambles, saunters, strollsdawdles, mopesgypsies, hobos, tramps, vagabondsmills (about or around)straggles, strays to move or proceed smoothly and readilyshe's been cruising through her daily physical therapy with remarkable ease bowls, breezes, brushes, coasts, drifts, flows, glides, rolls, sails, skims, slides, slips, streams, sweeps, whisks flies, races, rushes, speeds flounders, struggles limps, lumbers, plods, stumbles, trudgesshambles, shufflesstamps, stomps, stumps, trampslabors, toils to travel on water in a vesselcruised to the Bahamas in their yacht |