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crystal clearadjective easily seen throughdrank thirstily of the crystal-clear water from the spring clear, crystal, crystalline, limpid, liquid, lucent, pellucid, see-through, transparent colorless, uncoloreddiaphanous, lucid, semitranslucent, semitransparent, sheer, translucent, transparentizedglassy, vitreous cloudy, opaque colored, dark, glazed, tintedfilmy, foggy, hazy, misty, nebulous, smoky(also smokey)dense, muddy, murky, turbid not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretationwhat could be more crystal-clear than an emphatic "No!" apparent, bald, bald-faced, barefaced, bright-line, broad, clear, clear-cut, decided, distinct, evident, lucid, luculent, luminous, manifest, nonambiguous, obvious, open-and-shut, palpable, patent, pellucid, perspicuous, plain, ringing, straightforward, transparent, unambiguous, unambivalent, unequivocal, unmistakable cognizable, cognoscible, comprehendible, comprehensible, digestible, fathomable, graspable, intelligible, knowable, understandableself-evident, self-explanatoryclean-cut, simple, tidy, uncomplicatedovert, undisguisedappreciable, perceptible, recognizable, sensible, tangiblediscernible(also discernable), noticeable, observable, visibleblack-and-white, explicit, trenchant, well-definedclean, decipherable, fair, legible, readable ambiguous, clouded, cryptic, dark, enigmatic(also enigmatical), equivocal, indistinct, mysterious, nonobvious, obfuscated, obscure, unapparent, unclarified, unclear incomprehensible, indecipherable, unfathomable, unintelligible, unknowableimpalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable, indiscernible, insensiblecloudy, gauzy, gray(also grey), hazy, imprecise, indefinite, indeterminate, misty, murky, nebulous, noncommittal, sketchy, slippery, subtle, vagueillegible, undecipherable, unreadable ca. 1528 |