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cultivatedadjective having or showing a taste for the fine arts and gracious livingthe museum's annual gala for charity attracts not only a very wealthy, but also a very cultivated crowd accomplished, civilized, couth, cultured, genteel, polished, refined cerebral, highbrow, highbrowed, high-toned, intellectual, intellectualist, intellectualisticbourgeois, middlebroweducated, erudite, knowledgeable, learned, literate, scholarly, well-readcivil, courteous, mannerly, polite, well-bredcosmopolitan, sophisticated, urbanehypercivilized, overcivilized, oversophisticated barbaric, barbarous, philistine, uncivilized, uncultured, ungenteel, unpolished, unrefined ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, unletteredlowbrow, unintelligentcoarse, ill-bred, ill-manneredbackwoods, provincial, rustic(also rustical)inelegant, polyester, unsophisticatedboorish, churlish, cloddish, clownish, crude, uncouth, vulgar cultivatedverbpast tense of cultivateto come to have graduallycultivated a taste for opera in order to fit in with his new circle of friends acquired, developed, formed absorbed, adopted, embraced, took in, took ongained, got, obtainedachieved, attained, reachedfostered, nourished, nurtured, promoted lost abandoned, deserted, forsookcast, discarded, ditched, dumped, flung (off or away), jettisoned, junked, rejected, scrapped, shed, shucked (off), sloughed(also sluffed), threw away, threw out, unloaded to help the growth or development ofcultivated a passion for learning among his students over the years advanced, encouraged, forwarded, fostered, furthered, incubated, nourished, nursed, nurtured, promoted advocated, backed, championed, endorsed(also indorsed), supported, upheldendowed, financed, funded, patronized, staked, subsidized, underwroteabetted, aided, assistedadvertised, boosted, plugged, publicized, toutedagitated (for), campaigned (for), worked (for)(or wrought (for)) discouraged, frustrated, hindered, inhibited banned, barred, enjoined, forbade(also forbad), interdicted, outlawed, prevented, prohibited, proscribedbattled, combated(or combatted), contended (with), countered, fought, opposedrepressed, snuffed (out), squashed, squelched, stifled, subdued, suppressedarrested, checked, halted, retardedencumbered, fettered, hobbled, impeded, interfered (with), manacled, obstructed, shackled to look after or assist the growth of by labor and carein an attempt to produce New World counterparts of the wines that he had enjoyed in Europe, Jefferson cultivated several varieties of grapes at Monticello cropped, cultured, dressed, grew, promoted, raised, reared, tended bred, produced, propagatedplanted, sowedgathered, gleaned, harvested, reapedgerminated, quickened, ripened, rooted, sprouted killeddug, extirpated, picked, plucked, pulled (up), uprootedcut, hayed, mowed to work by plowing, sowing, and raising crops onwe ought to cultivate the field out back farmed, tended, tilled cropped, plantedharvested, reapedharrowed, hoedsharecropped in 1645 |