例句 |
cumbrousadjective difficult to use or operate especially because of size, weight, or designit took two people to haul the cumbrous machine into the garage awkward, bunglesome, clumsy, clunky, cranky, cumbersome, ponderous, ungainly, unhandy, unwieldy uncontrollable, unmanageablebulky, dinosaurian, dinosauric, elephantine, heavy, hulking, massiveimpracticable, impractical handy functional, practicable, practical, serviceable, useful heavy, weighty, ponderous, cumbrous, cumbersome mean having great weight.heavy implies that something has greater density or thickness than the average of its kind or class.a heavy child for his age weighty suggests having actual and not just relative weight.a load of weighty boxes ponderous implies having great weight because of size and massiveness with resulting great inertia.ponderous elephants in a circus parade cumbrous and cumbersome imply heaviness and bulkiness that make for difficulty in grasping, moving, carrying, or manipulating.wrestled with the cumbrous furniture early cameras were cumbersome and inconvenient in the 15th century |