例句 |
farcenoun a poor, insincere, or insulting imitation of somethingthe recall of a duly elected official for a frivolous reason is not democracy in action but a farce caricature, cartoon, joke, mockery, parody, sham, travesty burlesque, comedylampoon, takeoffcounterfeit, fake, feigning, forgery, hoax, humbug, knockoff, phony(also phoney), pretense(or pretence), simulation homage, tribute humorous entertainmentthe rubber-faced, loose-jointed comedian is a master of knockabout farce comedy, humor, slapstick high comedy, low comedyburlesque, parody, satireimprov, stand-upbanter, drollery, persiflage, witfoolery, fun, horseplay, knockabout, monkeyshine(s), shenanigan(s) in the 14th century |