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inaugurateverb to be responsible for the creation and early operation or use ofinaugurated the college's athletic program for women begin, constitute, establish, found, initiate, innovate, institute, introduce, launch, pioneer, plant, set up, start author, father, originateconceive, concoct, contrive, cook (up), create, devise, fabricate, invent, make up, manufacture, produce, think (up)construct, put updevelop, enlarge, expandendow, finance, fund, subsidizearrange, organize, systematize, systemizerefound, reinitiate, reinstitute, relaunch close (down), phase out, shut (up) abolish, annihilate, annul, nullifyend, finish, halt, stop, terminateround (off or out), wind up, wrap up to put into an office or welcome into an organization with special ceremoniesthe president inaugurated the newest member of the club with a welcoming speech baptize, induct, initiate, install, instate, invest, seat swear inconsecrate, enshrineaccept, admit, receive, take inenlist, enroll(also enrol) can, discharge, fire, terminatemuster out begin, commence, start, initiate, inaugurate, usher in mean to take the first step in a course, process, or operation.begin, start, and commence are often interchangeable.begin, opposed to end, is the most general.begin a trip began dancing start, opposed to stop, applies especially to first actions, steps, or stages.the work started slowly commence can be more formal or bookish than begin or start.commence firing commenced a conversation initiate implies taking a first step in a process or series that is to continue.initiated diplomatic contacts inaugurate suggests a beginning of some formality or notion of significance.the discovery of penicillin inaugurated a new era in medicine usher in is somewhat less weighty than inaugurate.ushered in a period of economic decline in 1606 |