例句 |
inciseverb to cut (as letters or designs) on a hard surfaceincised a pattern into the copper plate engrave, etch, grave, inscribe, insculp(archaic) carve, chisel, sculpt, sculpturechase, groove, indent, notchscore, traceaffix, impress to penetrate with a sharp edge (as a knife)incised the tree with a sharp ax to get the sap flowing cut, gash, rip, shear, slash, slice, slit crosscut, hacksaw, saw, scissorcleave, rive, splitpierce, stabbruise, butcher, hack, haggle, lacerate, manglerend, tearcarve, chip, chisel, notchanatomize, dissect, sectionchop, dice, minceamputate, cut off, sever in 1567 |