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includeverb to have as part of a wholethe college application included some thought-provoking essay questions carry, comprehend, contain, embrace, encompass, entail, involve, number, subsume, take in comprise, consist (of)brackethave, hold, own, possessadmit, receivecompose, constitute, form, makeassimilate, embody, incorporate, integrate exclude, leave (out), miss out(British), omit ban, bar, debar, preclude, prevent, prohibitdeny, refuse, rejecteliminate, except, rule outlose, mislay, misplace to close or shut in by or as if by barriersthat inextinguishable spark of liberty that is included within every human being box (in), cage, closet, coop (up), corral, encage, encase, enclose(also inclose), envelop, fence (in), hedge, hem (in), house, immure, mew (up), pen, wall (in) bound, circumscribe, confine, contain, limit, restrictencircle, encompass, enfold, enframe, enlace, frame, ring, surroundarmor, cocoon, encapsulate, encapsule, encyst, ensheathe, ensphere, enwomb include, comprehend, embrace, involve mean to contain within as part of the whole.include suggests the containment of something as a constituent, component, or subordinate part of a larger whole.the price of dinner includes dessert comprehend implies that something comes within the scope of a statement or definition.his system comprehends all history embrace implies a gathering of separate items within a whole.her faith embraces both Christian and non-Christian beliefs involve suggests inclusion by virtue of the nature of the whole, whether by being its natural or inevitable consequence.the new job involves a lot of detail in the 15th century |