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starkadjective harsh and threatening in manner or appearancestark and forbidding mountains that the settlers knew that they would have to cross austere, dour, fierce, flinty, forbidding, grim, gruff, intimidating, lowering(also louring), rough, rugged, severe, steely, stern, ungentle bleak, cold, hostile, inhospitable, inimical, unfriendly, unsympatheticadamant, bound, determined, firm, intent, purposeful, resolute, resolved, steadfast, unflinchingfixed, hard, hardened, hardheaded, immovable, implacable, inflexible, ironhanded, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, rigid, self-willed, set, stiff, stubborn, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, willful(or wilful)immutable, unchangeableblack, cheerless, dark, gloomy, glum, joyless, melancholic, moody, morose, sulky, sullen, surlybrooding, grave, humorless, melancholy, serious, sober, sobersided, solemn, somber(or sombre), staid, unsmiling, weighty benign, benignant, gentle, mild, nonintimidating, tender bland, meek, mellow, soft, soothingeasy, quiet, tranquilagreeable, bright, cheerful, inviting, pleasant, pleasing, sweetglad, happy, lighthearted, merry, mirthful, sunnyfeatherbrained, flighty, frivolous, giddy, goofy, harebrained, light-headed, playful, scatterbrained, silly having no exceptions or restrictionsthe school's stark prohibition against obscene slogans on clothing absolute, all-out, arrant, blank, blooming(chiefly British), bodacious(Southern & Midland), categorical(also categoric), clean, complete, consummate, cotton-picking, crashing, damn, damned, dead, deadly, definite, downright, dreadful, fair, flat, flat-out, out-and-out, outright, perfect, plumb, profound, pure, rank, regular, sheer, simple, stone, straight-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, unadulterated, unalloyed, unconditional, unmitigated, unqualified, utter, very authentic, classic, genuine, real, veritableconstant, endless, eternal, perpetual, undying, unremittingextreme, unrestrictedconfirmed, habitual, hopeless, inveterateextraordinary, frightful, horrible, huge, main, superlative, supreme, surpassing, terrible, terrific doubtful, dubious, equivocal, qualified, questionable, restricted, uncertain lacking contents that could or should be presenthouse buyers trying to imagine what those stark rooms would look like when filled with furniture bare, blank, clean, devoid, empty, toom(chiefly Scottish), vacant, vacuous, void barren, hollowavailable, clear, free, openunfilled, unfurnishedunattended, uninhabited, unoccupiedabandoned, deserted, emptied, forsaken, vacateddepleted, drained, dry, exhausted full completerepletefurnished, provided, suppliedfilled, occupiedflush, overflowing, packed, teeming producing inferior or only a small amount of vegetationa once-lush landscape rendered depressingly stark by strip-mining and deforestation barren, bony(also boney), dead, desolate, hardscrabble, impoverished, infertile, poor, unfertile, unproductive, waste bleak, inhospitable, lifelessuncultivable, untillablebankrupted, consumed, debilitated, depleted, diminished, drained, dried-up, enfeebled, exhausted, expended, lessened, reduced, spent, used uparid, desert, droughty, dry, rainless, sere(also sear), thirsty, waterlessbaked, dehydrated, parched, sunbaked fertile, fruitful, lush, luxuriant, productive, rich arable, tillablegreen, sylvan, verdant providing only the essentials and nothing fancy or luxuriousmonks who have committed themselves to living in stark cells and working and praying in silence austere, no-frills, spartan plain, simple, unadorned, undecorated, unelaborate, unfancy deluxe, Lucullan(also Lucullian), luxe, luxurious, plush adorned, decorated, elaborate, fancy before the 12th century |