例句 |
stashesnounpl. of stash a supply stored up and often hidden awaykeeps a stash of tissues in her desk in case anyone needs one caches, hoards, stockpiles, stores coffers, deposits, funds, nest eggs, savings, sinking funds, treasuresinventories, pools, reserves, reservoirs, stocksprovisions, resourcesaccumulations, assemblages, collections, gatherings, harvestsrepertories stashesverbpresent tense third-person singular of stashto put (something of future use or value) in a safe or secret placestashed the extra antifreeze in the trunk of the car caches, hoards, lays away, lays by, lays in, lays up, puts by, salts away, squirrels (away), stockpiles, stores, stows, treasures accumulates, acquires, amasses, assembles, collects, concentrates, garners, gathers, picks up, rounds up, scrapes (together)heaps, piles, stacksconserves, husbands, preservesbanks, coffers, deposits, holds, keeps, reserves, retains, saves, sets by, stocks, withholdsburies, conceals, ensconces, secretes sets aside casts, discards, ditches, dumps, flings (off or away), jettisons, throws away, throws out, unloadsconsumes, squanders, uses up, wasteshands out, hands over, relinquishes, surrendersblows, dissipates, fritters (away), lavishes, misspends, runs through, spendsdepletes, exhausts, expends, impoverishesdispels, disperses, dissipates, scatters |