例句 |
stationaryadjective fixed in a place or positiona stationary bicycle is good for exercise, but you won't enjoy the scenery very much immobile, nonmoving, standing, static immotile, immovable, irremovable, nonmotile, unmovablefrozen, motionless, moveless, stagnant, stillstuck, unbudging, wedgedfast, rooted, steadfast in place mobile, movable(or moveable), moving, nonstationary motileadjustable, flexible, modulardisplaceable, portable, removable(also removeable), transferable(also transferrable), transportableunbalanced, unstable, unsteady not undergoing a change in conditionauction prices for that artist's works have been stationary for some time changeless, constant, stable, steady, unchanging, unvarying fast, fixed, hard-and-fast, immutable, inflexible, invariable, unalterable, unchangeableestablished, set, settledceaseless, continuing, durable, enduring, lasting, permanent on an even keel(also on even keel) capricious, changeful, changing, fickle, fluctuating, fluid, inconstant, mercurial, skittish, uncertain, unpredictable, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, varying, volatile adaptable, alterable, changeable, flexible, mutable, variableephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, momentary, transient, transitorykaleidoscopic, phantasmagoric(or phantasmagorical) in the 15th century |