例句 |
stationsnounpl. of station the place where someone is assigned to stand or remainthe soldiers remained at their station even though a huge enemy force was approaching positions, posts, quarters assignments, briefs, businesses, charges, details, jobs, operations a regular stopping placethe historic house was once a station on the Underground Railroad, the network that helped slaves reach freedom in the North stops, way stations depots, terminalslayovers, stopoversoutstations the placement of someone or something in relation to others in a vertical arrangementin colonial America, women occupied the lowest station in society and were not allowed to take part in public life degrees, echelons, footings, levels, places, positions, rankings, ranks, reaches, rungs, situations, standings, statuses, strata conditions, estates, orders, walkscapacities, functionsratings a general way of holding the bodythe palace guards are required to maintain a rigid station attitudes, carriages, poises, postures, stances attentionsbody languagesposes, seatsbearings, behaviors, conducts, demeanors, deportmentsairs, poises, presencesaspects, looks, miens stationsverbpresent tense third-person singular of stationto assign to a place or positionstationed guards around the perimeter of the encampment details, posts setsappointsplaces, positions |