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steepadjective having an incline approaching the perpendiculara very steep rock face that is nearly impossible to climb abrupt, bold, precipitous, sheer perpendicular, plumb, straight, verticalcraggy, hillocky, hilly, mountainous, scarpedangled, canted, cocked, heeled, inclined, listed, slanted, sloped, tilted, tipped easy gentle, gradual, moderate, softeven, flat, flush, horizontal, level, plane, smooth, unruffled, unwrinkled going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amountwe would like to hire him, but his salary demands are just too steep baroque, devilish, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, fancy, immoderate, inordinate, insane, intolerable, lavish, overdue, overextravagant, overmuch, overweening, plethoric, stiff, towering, unconscionable, undue, unmerciful boundless, endless, immeasurable, infinite, limitlessunbearable, unjustifiable, unwarrantedimproper, inappropriate, thick, unseemlyunrestrained a bit much, over the top middling, moderate, modest, reasonable, temperate deficient, inadequate, insufficientminimal, minimum steepverbto cause (as a person) to become filled or saturated with a certain quality or principlegrew up steeped in the ways of his ancestors a town steeped in history endue(or indue), imbue, inculcate, infuse, ingrain(also engrain), inoculate, invest, suffuse animate, charge, enliven, invigorate, leavenimplant, instill, plantimpregnate, permeate, pervade, saturatedeluge, drown, fill, flood, inundate, overwhelm, submerge deprive, divest, stripclear, emptyeliminate, remove, take (away) to wet thoroughly with liquidchew fresh ginger that has been steeped in hot water to aid digestion drench, drown, impregnate, macerate, saturate, soak, sodden, sop, souse waterlog, water-soakmarinate, seethepresoakdip, immerse, inundate, submerge, swampbathe, douse(also dowse), hydrate, swill, wash, waterinfiltrate, penetrate, permeatedamp, dampen, humidify, moisten wring (out) dehydrate, desiccate, dry, parch, seardrain, empty, voiddehumidify adj.steep, abrupt, precipitous, sheer mean having an incline approaching the perpendicular.steep implies such sharpness of pitch that ascent or descent is very difficult.a steep hill a steep dive abrupt implies a sharper pitch and a sudden break in the level.a beach with an abrupt drop-off precipitous applies to an incline approaching the vertical.the river winds through a precipitous gorge sheer suggests an unbroken perpendicular expanse.sheer cliffs that daunted the climbers v.soak, saturate, drench, steep, impregnate mean to permeate or be permeated with a liquid.soak implies usually prolonged immersion as for softening or cleansing.soak the garment in soapy water saturate implies a resulting effect of complete absorption until no more liquid can be held.a saturated sponge drench implies a thorough wetting by something that pours down or is poured.clothes drenched by a cloudburst steep suggests either the extraction of an essence (as of tea leaves) by the liquid or the imparting of a quality (such as a color) to the thing immersed.steep the tea for five minutes impregnate implies a thorough interpenetration of one thing by another.a cake strongly impregnated with brandy before the 12th century |