例句 |
zonkedadjective being under the influence of a recreational druglater claimed that she was zonked for the entire recording session blasted(slang), blitzed(slang), bombed, high, hopped-up, loaded(slang), ripped(slang), spaced-out(or spaced), stoned, strung out, wasted(slang), wiped out(slang), zonked-out addicted, hooked sober, straight abstemious, abstinent, clean, temperateclearheaded, cool, level, steady suffering from mental confusionher only living relative is a permanently zonked sister who can't even care for herself addle, addled, addlepated, bedeviled, befogged, befuddled, bemused, bewildered, bushed(chiefly Australian), confounded, confused, dazed, distracted, dizzy, dopey(also dopy), fogged, mixed-up, muddleheaded, muzzy, pixilated(also pixillated), punch-drunk, punchy, raddled, shell-shocked, silly, slaphappy, spaced-out(or spaced), spacey(also spacy), stunned, stupefied, zonked-out senseless, unconscious at sea, out of it clearheaded alert, conscious ca. 1959 |