例句 |
poopnoun1 solid matter discharged from an animal's alimentary canalthe mother cat carefully cleaned poop off her newborn kitten's bottom dirt, doo-doo, dropping, dung, excrement, excreta, feces, ordure, scat, slops, soil, waste night soil, stooldunghill, guano, manure, midden, muckspoorsewage, seweragecoprolite poopnoun2slanginformation not generally available to the publicthe poop was that the ship would be headed to the war zone within a matter of weeks 411(slang), book, dope, inside, lowdown, scoop, skinny(slang), tip dirt, dish, gossip, rumor, storyhint, pointerinformation, intelligence, news, tidings, word ancient history, open secret in the 15th century |