例句 |
pornyadjective dealing in or with explicitly sexual materiala collection of porny postcards of the type that American servicemen once brought back from Europe adult, mature, pornographic, X-rated hard-core, soft-corebedroom, erotic(also erotical), sexy, suggestivebawdy, coarse, crude, dirty, filthy, foul, gross, indecent, lascivious, lewd, lustful, nasty, obscene, ribald, salacious, smutty, unprintable, vulgar, wantonimmodest, kinky, prurientearthy, racy, saltyindecorous, unbecomingdebasing, perverted, profanenaughty, wicked clean, G-rated priggish, prim, prudish, puritanical, straitlaced(or straightlaced), Victoriancorrect, decent, decorous, genteel, polite, proper, seemly depicting or referring to sexual matters in a way that is unacceptable in polite societyfound porny magazines hidden in an old box stored in the attic of the house bawdy, blue, coarse, crude, dirty, filthy, foul, gross, gutter, impure, indecent, lascivious, lewd, locker-room, nasty, obscene, pornographic, profane, raunchy, ribald, smutty, stag, trashy, unprintable, vulgar, wanton, X-rated broad, coarse-grained, gamy(or gamey), off, off-color(or off-colored), racy, risqué, salacious, salty, suggestivebarnyard, earthy, scatologicalimmodest, indecorous, indelicate, low, unbecomingdepraved, kinky, louche, naughty, perverse, perverted, wickedexceptionable, objectionable, unacceptable, undesirable, unwanted, unwelcomeabhorrent, debasing, disgusting, loathsome, offensive, repellent(also repellant), repugnant, repulsive, revoltingdistasteful, obnoxious, unpleasantblamable, blameworthy, censurable, reprehensibleatrocious, infamousabusive, scurriloushard-core, soft, soft-core clean, decent, G-rated, nonobscene, wholesome priggish, prim, prudish, puritanical, staid, straitlaced(or straightlaced), Victoriancorrect, decorous, genteel, nice, polite, proper, respectable, seemlyinnocuous, inoffensiveacceptable, agreeable, desirable, pleasant, pleasing, welcomeappropriate, becoming, fit, meet, suitableimmaculate, perfect, pure, spotless, virginalapproved, endorsed(also indorsed), sanctioned in 1961 |