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portrayverb to give a representation or account of in wordsthe author portrays her characters with lifelike vividness delineate, depict, describe, draw, image, limn, paint, picture, render, set out, sketch characterize, define, label, qualify, representdemonstrate, illustratenarrate, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, report, telldisplay, exhibit, showhint, suggestdraft, outline, silhouette, trace, vignettesummarize, sum up, touch offredescribe, reimage color, distort, falsify, garble, misdescribe, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp to point out the chief quality or qualities of an individual or grouptraditionally, European authors portrayed the natives as wise and noble character, characterize, define, depict, describe, represent categorize, classify, pigeonhole, typecolor, identify, indicate, name, specifydistinguish, individualize, mark, particularize, stamp to present a picture ofa landscape that portrays the scenery near the town where the painter grew up depict, image, picture, represent delineate, describe, document, renderoutline, silhouette, sketchillustrate, showdiagramcaricature to present a portrayal or performance ofgained fame portraying Susan B. Anthony in a one-woman show act, do, impersonate, interpret, perform, play depict, dramatize, render, representact out, enact, pantomime, playact, role-play, take onoveract, overplay, underplayape, clown, ham, imitate, masquerade, mime, mimic, pose (as)star (in)coact, costar in the 14th century |