例句 |
postulatedverbpast tense of postulate to take as true or as a fact without actual proofpostulates that all people are born with certain rights that can never be taken away from them assumed, hypothecated, hypothesized, premised, presumed, presupposed, said, supposed accepted, believed, credited, swallowedconcluded, deduced, gathered, inferred, judged, tookconjectured, figured, guessed, reckoned(chiefly dialect), surmised, suspected, suspicioned(chiefly dialect), thoughtconceived, dreamed(or dreamt), fancied, imagined, perceived, preconceivedspeculated, theorizedaffirmed, alleged, asserted, averred, avouched, avowed, claimed, contended, declared, insisted, maintained, professed took for granted challenged, controverted, disagreed (with), disbelieved, discounted, discredited, disputed, distrusted, doubted, mistrusted, questioned, wondered (about)denied, disavowed, disclaimed, disowned, rejected, repudiatedbelied, confuted, disproved, rebutted, refuted |