例句 |
cursnounpl. of cur a person who shows a shameful lack of courage in the face of dangerdenounced as curs those police officers who deserted their posts during the hurricane and its aftermath chickens, cowards, cravens, dastards, funks, poltroons, recreants, sissies defeatists, quitterscream puffs, milquetoasts, pushovers, pussies(slang), weaklings, wimpscaitiffs, snakes, sneaksostriches, scaramouches heroes, stalwarts, valiants daredevils a person whose behavior is offensive to othersonly a cur would abandon friends in their time of need bastards, beasts, bleeders(British), blighters(chiefly British), boors, bounders, buggers, buzzards, cads, chuffs, churls, clowns, creeps, cretins, cruds(slang), crumbs(slang), dirtbags(slang), dogs, finks, heels, hounds, jerks, jokers, louses, louts, pills, rat finks, rats, reptiles, rotters, schmucks(slang), scumbags(slang), scums, scuzzballs(slang), skunks(also skunk), sleazebags(slang), sleazeballs(slang), sleazes, slimeballs(slang), slimes, slobs, snakes, so-and-sos(or so-and-so's), sods(chiefly British), stinkards, stinkers, swine, toads, varmints, vermin barbarians, brutes, cavemen, Neanderthals, savagesloudmouths, vulgarianslowlifes(also lowlives), miscreants, rascals, rogues, roughnecks, scabs, scamps, scoundrels, villains, wretchesboobies, doofuses(also dufuses, slang), fools, jackasses, nincompoops, ninnies, nits(chiefly British), nitwits, nuts, schmoes(slang)airheads, birdbrains, blockheads, dinks(slang), dolts, dopes, dorks(slang), goons, half-wits, idiots, imbeciles, morons, turkeysbrats, insolents, nuisances, pests, snipssnobs, snoots, snotsdweebs(slang), nerds sons of guns heroes, heroines, idols, role modelsgentlemen, ladiesangels, saints |