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cursesnounpl. of curse a prayer that harm will come to someoneuttered a curse upon his persecutor from the scaffold anathemas, bans, execrations, imprecations, maledictions, malisons, winzes(Scottish) censures, condemnations, damnations, denunciations, excommunicationshexes, hoodoos, jinxes, mojoes(or mojos), spells, voodoos, whammiespox(or poxes) benedictions, benisons, blessings citations, commendations, endorsements(also indorsements) a disrespectful or indecent word or expressionstarted muttering curses after hitting his thumb with the hammer cusses, cusswords, dirty words, expletives, four-letter words, obscenities, profanities, swears, swearwords, vulgarisms bawdries, languages, scurrilitiesexecrations, imprecations, maledictionsepithets, namesoaths a source of harm or misfortuneintolerance of personal differences is a curse of humanity afflictions, banes, nemeses, scourges hexes, hoodoos, jinxesdangers, hazards, menaces, perils, risks, threats, troublesbooby traps, catches, pitfalls, snags benefits, blessings, boons, felicities, godsends, goods, mannas, windfalls advantages, aids, assistances, gifts, help, reliefs, supportscomforts, consolations, solacesdelights, joys, pleasuresarmors, defenses, guards, protections, safeguards, safeties, securities, shields cursesverbpresent tense third-person singular of curseto ask a divine power to send harm or evil uponI curse the guy who had the idea of having annoying salespeople call up innocent people to sell them things they don't want anathematizes, beshrews(archaic), imprecates, maledicts condemns, damns, denounces, execrates, reprobateshexes, jinxes, voodoosdangs, darns(also durns), dashescusses (out), fulminates (against), rails (against), reviles blesses applauds, commends, congratulates to cause persistent suffering tomisfortunes and problems seem to have cursed everyone ever associated with that house afflicts, agonizes, anguishes, bedevils, besets, besieges, excruciates, harrows, persecutes, plagues, racks, torments, tortures assails, attacksbadgers, dogs, hounds, pursues, ridesaggravates, agitates, annoys, bothers, bugs, chafes, distresses, disturbs, exasperates, galls, gets, grates, gripes, hagrides, harasses, harries, irks, irritates, molests, nettles, peeves, pesters, piques, puts out, rasps, riles, vexesdiscomforts, discomposes, disquiets, flusters, grieves, perturbs, strains, stresses, tries, troubles, upsets, worriescrushes, oppresses, overpowers, overwhelms, smites, strikes, tyrannizes, victimizeshurts, pains, pangs, pricks, smarts, stabs, stings, wringsmartyrs abets, aids, assists, helpsdelivers, releases, relieves, reprievescomforts, consoles, contents, quiets, solaces, soothes, succors to use offensive or indecent languageyou'll have to put a quarter in the jar every time you curse blasphemes, cusses, swears anathematizes, confounds, damns, execrates, imprecatesfulminates, rails, rants, reviles to use profane or obscene language at or aboutcursed him for showing up late, when he knew how important it was to be on time damns imprecates, maledictscriticizes, reprovesadmonishes, chides, rebukes, reprimands, reproachesblames, censures, reprehends, reprobates blesses, extols(also extolls), glorifies, lauds, magnifies, praisesacclaims, applauds, commends, compliments, hails, salutes |