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customadjective made or fitted to the needs or preferences of a specific customerthat business tycoon wears only custom suits bespoke(also bespoken), custom-made, custom-tailored, customized, made-to-order, tailor-made, tailored particular, special, specializedcustom-built, handcrafted, handmademade-to-measure mass-produced, ready-made customnouna usual manner of behaving or doingit is my custom to have half a bagel and coffee for breakfast fashion, habit, habitude, pattern, practice(also practise), ritual, second nature, trick, way, wont addictiondispositionbent, inclination, proclivity, set, tendency, tenor, turnbag, convention, form, mode, styleusage, usedeportment, manners, moresdrill, groove, jog trot, regime(also régime), regimen, rote, routine, rutaffectation, airs, poseattribute, characteristic, mark, traiteccentricity, kink, oddity, peculiarity, quirk, singularity, tic an inherited or established way of thinking, feeling, or doingthe custom around here is that the bride's family pays for the wedding convention, heritage, prescription, rubric, rule, tradition ethic, form, mode, mores, norm, principles, standards, valuesbirthright, inheritance, legacyfolklore, lore, superstitionculture, lifestyle transactions or economic support provided by customersthat restaurant certainly lost my custom after they were cited for health code violations business, patronage marketplace, trade, trafficfree tradeaffairs, dealings, horse-tradingmerchandising, retailing, wholesaling n.habit, practice, usage, custom, wont mean a way of acting fixed through repetition.habit implies a doing unconsciously and often compulsively.had a habit of tapping his fingers practice suggests an act or method followed with regularity and usually through choice.our practice is to honor all major credit cards usage suggests a customary action so generally followed that it has become a social norm.western-style dress is now common usage in international business custom applies to a practice or usage so steadily associated with an individual or group as to have almost the force of unwritten law.the custom of wearing black at funerals wont usually applies to a habitual manner, method, or practice of an individual or group.as was her wont, she slept until noon in the 13th century |