例句 |
customsnounpl. of custom a usual manner of behaving or doingit is my custom to have half a bagel and coffee for breakfast fashions, habits, habitudes, patterns, practices(also practises), rituals, tricks, ways, wonts addictionsdispositionsbents, inclinations, proclivities, sets, tendencies, tenors, turnsbags, conventions, forms, modes, stylesusages, usesdeportments, manners, moresdrills, grooves, jog trots, regimens, regimes(also régimes), rotes, routines, rutsaffectations, airs, posesattributes, characteristics, marks, traitseccentricities, kinks, oddities, peculiarities, quirks, singularities, tics an inherited or established way of thinking, feeling, or doingthe custom around here is that the bride's family pays for the wedding conventions, heritages, prescriptions, rubrics, rules, traditions ethics, forms, modes, mores, norms, principles, standards, valuesbirthrights, inheritances, legaciesfolklores, lores, superstitionscultures, lifestyles |