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cutnoun a piece that has been separated from the whole by cuttingchoose cuts of meat that have very little visible fat cutting, slice chop, cutletlength, part, portion, section, segmentchunk, hunk, lumpclipping, paring, shaving, sliver, snippet, splinter an individual part of a process, series, or rankingone of the new recruits is a cut above the rest in intelligence chapter, degree, grade, inch, notch, peg, phase, place, point, stage, step angle, aspect, facet, sideamount, measure, planedecrement, increment something belonging to, due to, or contributed by an individual member of a groupreceived my cut of the profits from the garage sale allotment, allowance, end, part, piece, portion, proportion, quota, share, slice, take lot, rationcommission, percentagemember, partition, section, segment piece of the action aggregate, composite, compound, pool, sum, total, totalitywhole a style or arrangement of hairshe decided she needed a new cut after wearing her hair the same way for years coiffure, do, haircut, hairdo, hairstyle Afro, conk, cornrow, dreadlocks, perm, permanentbeehive, big hair, bun, chignon, French twist, pageboy, pug, updo, upsweepbob, buzz cut, crew cut, crop, fade, Mohawk, shag, shingle, trimbraid, pigtail, plait, ponytail, queuecomb-over, ducktail, pompadour, roach an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another's feelingscompletely ignoring her was the unkindest cut of all affront, barb, brickbat, dart, dig, dis(also diss, slang), epithet, gird, indignity, insult, name, offense(or offence), outrage, personality, poke, put-down, sarcasm, slap, slight, slur catcall, gibe(or jibe), jeer, mock, quip, sneer, tauntabuse, invective, vituperationdisapproval, opprobriumdisgrace, dishonor, shameattack, criticism, knock, slam, swipetorment, torture accolade, commendation, complimentacclaim, applause, praiseadulation, flattery cutverbto penetrate with a sharp edge (as a knife)I cut my hand on a piece of broken glass gash, incise, rip, shear, slash, slice, slit crosscut, hacksaw, saw, scissorcleave, rive, splitpierce, stabbruise, butcher, hack, haggle, lacerate, manglerend, tearcarve, chip, chisel, notchanatomize, dissect, sectionchop, dice, minceamputate, cut off, sever to fail to attenda warning that she had been cutting too many classes without valid excuses blow off, miss, skip ignore, neglect, pass over absent oneself, play hooky attend, show up (for) to deliberately ignore or treat rudelythe snobbish lady cut anyone who didn't meet her standards of wealth and social standing cold-shoulder, high-hat, slight, snub, stiff, stiff-arm isolate, ostracizebrush (aside or off), disdain, rebuff, reject, repel, repulse, scorn, spurndisregard, forget, neglect, overlook, overpass, pass over, shrug off to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrumentwhen you cut the pad, make it a little smaller than the carpet bob, clip, crop, cut back, dock, lop (off), nip, pare, poll, prune, shave, shear, snip, trim skive, whittlemanicure, mowpinch, stumpcurtail, shorten elongate, extend, lengthen to shorten the standing leafy plant cover ofyou need to cut the lawn very soon—before it becomes a jungle mow clip, crop, curtail, cut back, dock, hack, lop, manicure, nip, pare, prune, trimbob, shave, shear, snip to alter (something) for the worse with the addition of foreign or lower-grade substancesthe fruit juice was so cut with water that it was barely a fruit-flavored drink adulterate, dilute, extend, lace, sophisticate, thin, water down, weaken loadbefoul, contaminate, corrupt, defile, dirty, envenom, foul, infect, poison, pollute, soil, spoil, sully, taintcheapen, debase, degrademanipulate, misrepresent, tamper (with)counterfeit, fake, falsify, fudgedoctor, spikeattenuate, moderate, qualify, temper enrich, fortify, richen, strengthen fertilize, lardaugment, reinforce(also reenforce), supplementdecontaminate, purifyclarify, clean, cleanse, distill(also distil), filter, flush, leach, pasteurize, purge, refinebetter, enhance, improvecompact, concentrate, condense to depart abruptly from a straight line or coursecut towards the goal, eluding a defender break, sheer, swerve, veer, yaw, zag, zig skew, slew(also slue)arc, arch, bend, bow, crook, curve, hook, round, sweep, wheelabout-face, pivotcircle, coil, curl, loop, spiralturn, twist, windweave, zigzagdeviate, stray, wander, waver straighten to divide by passing through or acrossa long mountain range virtually cuts that country in half to identify and examine the basic elements or parts of (something) especially for discovering interrelationshipswhichever way you cut it, we won't be seeing any profits from the business for at least three years analyze, anatomize, assay, break down, deconstruct, dissect assess, diagnose, evaluate, examine, inspect, investigate, scrutinizearrange, assort, catalog(or catalogue), categorize, classify, codify, diagram, enumerate, index, order, schematize, sort, tabulatedivide, reduce, segment, separate, subdivide agglomerate, aggregate, amalgamate, assimilate, coalesce, conglomerate, consolidate, integrate, synthesize, unify in the 13th century |