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cut-rateadjective costing littleopted for a cut-rate insurance policy because we didn't need anything more affordable, bargain-basement, budget, cheap, cheapie, cheapo, chintzy, cut-price(chiefly British), dime-store, dirt cheap, el cheapo, inexpensive, low, low-end, popular, reasonable cheapish, moderatediscount, discounted, fire-sale, lowered, reducedwholesalevalueless, worthlesssupercheap, ultracheap costly, dear, deluxe, expensive, high, high-ticket, precious, premium, pricey(also pricy), spendy(chiefly Northwest), valuable increased, inflatedexorbitant, extravagant, overpriced, prohibitive, prohibitory, steep, stiff, superexpensive, ultraexpensive, unreasonableinvaluable, pricelessluxurious of low qualitya cut-rate motel that looked like the kind at which people in horror movies always end up bad, bargain-basement, bum, cheap, cheapjack, cheesy, coarse, common, crappy(slang), el cheapo, execrable, gimcrack, inferior, junky, lousy, low-grade, low-rent, mediocre, miserable, poor, rotten, rubbishy, schlock(or schlocky also shlock or shlocky), second-rate, shoddy, sleazy, terrible, trashy, trumpery, wretched useless, valueless, worthlessindifferent, lackluster, second-classbrummagem, flashy, garish, gaudy, glitzy, kitsch, kitschy, meretricious, ostentatious, showy, splashy, swank(or swanky), tawdryseedy, shabby, tackycounterfeit, fake, phony(also phoney), shamsupercheap, ultracheap excellent, fine, first-class, first-rate, good, high-grade, superior, top-notch elegant, handsome, tastefulhandcrafted, polished, refined in 1904 |