例句 |
fathernoun a male human parentthe special relationship that exists between fathers and sons a person who establishes a whole new field of endeavorSir Isaac Newton is regarded by many as the father of modern science author, begetter, creator, establisher, founder, founding father, generator, inaugurator, initiator, instituter(or institutor), originator, sire cocreator, cofounderconceiver, contriver, designer, deviser, formulator, innovator, introducer, inventor, spawnerbuilder, maker, producerdeveloper, pioneer, researcher, researchistorganizer, promoterencourager, galvanizer, inspiration, inspirer disciple, follower, pupil, student, supporter a person who is several generations earlier in an individual's line of descentour fathers founded this nation on the fundamental belief that no person is entitled to rule by divine right ancestor, forebear(also forbear), forebearer, forefather, grandfather, primogenitor, progenitor antecessor, predecessor(archaic)ancestress, foremother, grandmother, matriarchgrandsire(archaic), patriarch, sire(archaic)ancestry, antecedents, roots descendant(also descendent) children, family, issue, lineage, offspring, posterity, progeny, seed, stockdaughter, heir, inheritor, scion, son, successor capitalizedthe being worshipped as the creator and ruler of the universelet us ask humbly for the blessings of our Father in heaven Allah, Almighty, Author, Creator, deity, Divinity, Eternal, Everlasting, God, Godhead, Jehovah, King, Lord, Maker, Providence, Supreme Being, Yahweh(also Jahveh or Yahveh) fatherverbto become the father ofPaul Revere somehow found room in his small house for the large family he had fathered beget, get, sire multiply, procreate, propagate, reproduce, spawnbear, engender, gender, generate, produce before the 12th century |