例句 |
potshotverb to criticize harshly and usually publiclyended the show with an extended rant in which he potshot an array of personages on the right abuse, assail, attack, bash, belabor, blast, castigate, excoriate, jump (on), lambaste(or lambast), savage, scathe, slam, trash, vituperate berate, harangue, harass, harry, revile, scold, whipblaspheme, curse, execrate, imprecate, profaneaffront, insult, slurasperse, bad-mouth, belittle, blackguard, disparage, put downlibel, slander, traduce, vilifychastise, chide, criticize, lace (into), rebuke, reprimandfulminate, lash (out) beat up on, light into, sail into, tie into acclaim, commend, compliment, hail, laud, praise in 1843 |