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inconvincibleadjective sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasionshe's inconvincible on the issue as she is on everything else, so don't even bother adamant, adamantine, bullheaded, dogged, hard, hard-nosed, hardened, hardheaded, headstrong, immovable, implacable, inflexible, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, opinionated, ossified, pat, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, self-opinionated, self-willed, stiff-necked, stubborn, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, willful(or wilful) anal-retentive, obsessivewayward, wrongheadeddetermined, hell-bent, inexorable, persistent, relentless, resolved, set, single-minded, steadfast, stouthearted, tenacious, unflinchingfirm, hard-line, hard-shell(or hard-shelled), iron, severe, stern, stricthidebound, narrow-minded, rigidbloody-minded(chiefly British), cantankerouscontrary, cussedcontumacious, disobedient, froward, insubordinate, intractable, recalcitrant, refractory, uncooperative, ungovernable, unmanageable, unrulydefiant, insurgent, mutinousindomitable, invincible, unconquerableconfirmed, inveterate, unregeneratedemanding, exacting deaf to reason acquiescent, agreeable, amenable, compliant, complying, flexible, pliable, pliant, relenting, yielding docile, obedient, placable, submissive, tractableaccepting, persuadable, receptive, responsive, willinggovernable, manageable, reasonable, temperateslavish, subservient in 1674 |