例句 |
stewardshipnoun the act or activity of looking after and making decisions about somethinggenerally the dean left the day-to-day stewardship of the college to the assistant dean administration, care, charge, conduct, control, direction, governance, government, guidance, handling, intendance, management, operation, oversight, presidency, regulation, running, superintendence, superintendency, supervision generalship, leadership, rulershipagencyaegis(also egis), custody, guardianship, keeping, lap, protection, safekeeping, trust, tutelage, wardengineering, logistics, machination, manipulationcoadministration, codirection, comanagement the duty or function of watching or guarding for the sake of proper direction or controlshe believes that stewardship of the environment is everyone's responsibility care, charge, guidance, headship, oversight, regulation, superintendence, superintendency, supervision, surveillance monitoring, observance, observation, observing, policingadministration, control, direction, generalship, hand(s), management, runningleadership, piloting, shepherding, steeringgovernment, reign, ruleaegis(also egis), auspices, guardianship, protection, trusteeship, tutelage in the 15th century |