例句 |
stiffenedadjective incapable of or highly resistant to bendingstiffened corpses an old-fashioned dress with a stiffened lace collar inflexible, rigid, stiff, unyielding inelasticfirm, hard, solid, sound, strongbrittle, crispcompact, dense, substantialarthritic, rheumaticnonelastic, nonmalleable flexible, floppy, pliable, pliant, supple, yielding elastic, resilient, springy, stretchy, workablemalleable, plasticsemiflexibledroopy, flabby, flaccid, mushy, semisoft, soft, squashy, squishylank, limber, limp, lissome(also lissom), lithe, lithesome, willowy stiffenedverbpast tense of stiffento make more harsh, uncompromising, or severeplans to further stiffen the already onerous requirements for admission to the elite military unit hardened, harshened, strengthened, toughened ameliorated, eased lessened, moderated, softened |