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trendnoun a prevailing or general movement or inclinationaccording to the survey, there's a growing trend for companies to run their own day-care centers for the benefit of employees current, direction, drift, leaning, run, tendency, tide, wind curve, downside, shift, swing, turn, turnabout, upsidecustom, habit, propensity, tenor, waycountercurrent, countertrendundercurrent, undertow a practice or interest that is very popular for a short timestill had a coat from the last trend for fake fur, when the material lined everything from boots to coats to bracelets buzz, chic, craze, dernier cri, enthusiasm, fad, fashion, flavor, go, hot ticket, last word, latest, mode, rage, sensation, style, ton, vogue nine days' wonder(also nine day wonder)new wavecrush, infatuationfervor, passionfuror, fuss, hullabaloo, to-do, uproarbandwagon, crusade, cult, movementnovelty, wrinklecaprice, fancy, whim classic, standard trendverbto show a liking or proneness (for something)during the winter our school system trends toward canceling school at the drop of a hat—or at least a snowflake incline, lean, run, tend go, gravitateindicate, point, suggest avoid, shun, shy (from or away from) to turn away from a straight line or coursethe river trends east, then west again, forming an oxbow arc, arch, bend, bow, crook, curve, fall off, hook, round, sweep, swerve, wheel circle, coil, curlicue, curl, loop, spiralturn, twist, winddeviate, veer straighten n.tendency, trend, drift, tenor, current mean movement in a particular direction.tendency implies an inclination sometimes amounting to an impelling force.a general tendency toward inflation trend applies to the general direction maintained by a winding or irregular course.the long-term trend of the stock market is upward drift may apply to a tendency determined by external forcesthe drift of the population away from large cities or it may apply to an underlying or obscure trend of meaning or discourse.got the drift of her argument tenor stresses a clearly perceptible direction and a continuous, undeviating course.the tenor of the times current implies a clearly defined but not necessarily unalterable course.an encounter that changed the current of my life in 1598 |