例句 |
dapplesnounpl. of dapple a small area that is different (as in color) from the main partthe clouds threw dapples of shadow over the eerily quiet street blotches, dots, eyespots, flecks, mottles, patches, pips, points, speckles, specks, splotches, spots birthmarks, freckles, molesblobs, blots, marks, smears, smudges, smutches, stainsspatters, splashespolka dots dapplesverbpresent tense third-person singular of dappleto mark with small spots especially unevenlysunlight dappled the canopy of vines over our heads blotches, dots, flecks, freckles, marbles, mottles, peppers, shoots, speckles, specks, splotches, spots, sprinkles, stipples blots, dyes, stainsbands, bars, streaks, stripesintersperses, sets, studsbespatters, spatters |