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darknessnoun a time or place of little or no lightthe raiding party snuck up under cover of darkness black, blackness, candlelight, dark, dusk, gloaming, gloom, murk, night, semidarkness, shade, shadows, twilight, umbra midnightblackout, brownout, dimoutshadiness, umbragedullness(also dulness), sombernesscloudiness, fogginess, haziness, mistiness, murkinessdimness, faintness, gloominess, grayness, palenesshalf-light blaze, brightness, brilliance, day, daylight, glare, glow, light, lightness moonlight, starlight, sunlighteffulgence, radiance, radiancy, shine, sunshineincandescence, luminance, luminescence, luminosity, luminousness the quality or state of having a veiled or uncertain meaningthe darkness of certain passages in the Book of Revelation ambiguity, ambiguousness, equivocalness, equivocation, inscrutability, inscrutableness, murkiness, mysteriousness, nebulosity, nebulousness, obliqueness, obliquity, obscurity, opacity, opaqueness mystery, reconditenesscloudiness, dimness, faintness, fogginess, fuzziness, haziness, indefiniteness, indistinctness, mistiness, shade, shadow, uncertainty, vaguenessimpenetrability, incomprehensibility, incomprehensiblenesscircuitousness, circuity, indirectnessdeepness, depth, profoundnessabstruseness, abstrusity, complexity, complication, difficulty, obtuseness clarity, clearness, obviousness, plainness comprehensibility, intelligibility, legibilitybrightness, distinctness, self-evidencecertainty, suretydefiniteness, exactness, explicitness, incision, incisiveness, lucidity, lucidness, perspicuity, perspicuousnessdirectness, forthrightness, openness, straightforwardnesspalpability, tangibility, tangibleness, visibilityreadability, readablenessobviousness the time from sunset to sunrise when there is no visible sunlightlet's wait for darkness before telling ghost stories dark, night, nighttime dusk, evening, gloaming, nightfall, twilightmidnight day, daytime dawn, daybreak, sunrise, sunupforenoon, morninghigh noon, midday, noon, noonday, noontide, noontimeafternoon an overspreading element that produces an atmosphere of gloomthe darkness of that period of my life is best forgotten cloud, pall, shadow fog, haze, mist, murk, penumbra, umbramidnight, nightmantle, shroud, veil |