例句 |
darlingsnounpl. of darling a person or thing that is preferred over othersfor a while that candidate was the darling of the news media and could do no wrong faves(or less commonly favs), favorites, minions, pets, preferences, speeds beloveds, dears, sweetheartsjewels, prizes, treasures cups of tea abominations, anathemas, bêtes noires, bugbears a person with whom one is in loveanything you say, darling beloveds, dears, flames, honeys, hons, loves, squeezes(slang), sweethearts, sweetie pies, sweeties, sweets, trueloves beaux(or beaus), boyfriends, boys, fellows, men, swainsgals, girlfriends, girls, inamoratas, ladyloves, lasses, mistresses, tootsiesamours, lovers, paramoursdolls, ducks(chiefly British), petsdates, escorts, steadiesadmirers, gallants, suitors, wooersgrooms, husbandsbrides, wivessignificant othersfiancés, intendedscrushes, heartthrobs |