例句 |
dawdlesverbpresent tense third-person singular of dawdle to move or act slowlyif you continue to dawdle, we'll be late for sure crawls, creeps, dallies, delays, diddles, dillydallies, drags, lags, lingers, loiters, lollygags(also lallygags), mopes, pokes, shilly-shallies, tarries fiddles (around), fools around, messes around, monkeys (around), plays, potters (around), putters (around), trifleshangs (around or out), idles, loafs, lolls, loungesambles, eases, inches, lumbers, plods, saunters, shuffles, staggers, strollsdecelerates, slows (down or up)filibusters, procrastinates, stalls, temporizes drags one's feet(also drags one's heels), drops behind, falls behind, hangs fire, marks time, takes one's time barrels, bolts, careers, courses, dashes, flies, hastens, hotfoots (it), hurries, races, rips, rockets, runs, rushes, scoots, scuds, scurries, speeds, tears, whirls, whisks, whizzes, zips bowls, breezes, darts, humps, hurtles, hustles, scrambles, stampedesgallops, jogs, runs, sprints, trotsaccelerates, quickens, speeds (up)catches up, fast-forwards, outpaces, outruns, outstrips, overtakes to spend time doing nothingaccused the city council of dawdling even as the crime rate was spiraling out of control bums, chills, dallies, dillydallies, drones, footles, goofs (off), hacks (around), hangs about(British), hangs (around or out), idles, kicks around, kicks back, lazes, lazies, loafs, lolls, lounges, vegges out(or veges out) fiddles (around), fools, messes, monkeys, mucks, piddles, plays, potters (around), putters (around), triflesdozes, estivates(also aestivates), hibernateslags, lingers, loiters, pokes, relaxes, rests, tarriesambles, moseys, saunters, strolls, swansfurloughs, goldbricks, malingers, truants kills time, twiddles one's thumbs drudges, grinds, grubs, humps, hustles, labors, moils, pegs, plods, plows, plugs, slaves, sweats, toils, travails, worksapplies, buckles (down)exerts, puts out |