例句 |
stomachsnounpl. of stomach the part of the body between the chest and the pelvisplease don't lean on my stomach—I just had a big meal stomachsverbpresent tense third-person singular of stomachto put up with (something painful or difficult)I could no longer stomach working for such a petty tyrant abides, absorbs, accepts, bears, bides(chiefly dialect), brooks, countenances, endures, goes, hacks, handles, meets, pockets, stands, sticks out, supports, sustains, sweats out, takes, tolerates, wears(British) allows, permits, suffers, swallowsreconciles (to)acquiesces, agrees (with or to), assents (to), capitulates, consents (to), respects, submits (to), yields (to) lives with, lumps (it), stands for, toughs it out declines, dismisses, refuses, rejects, repudiates, spurns, turns downcombats, contests, fights, opposes, resistsavoids, bypasses, circumvents, dodges, eludes, escapes, evades, missesabstains (from), forbears, refrains (from) |